Collection: Free DnD 5e Magic Items

Download these free DnD 5e magic items for your next adventure! DnD magic items are great for rewarding players. Players have greater gameplay creativity and moments for surprise with the use of magical items. Rune Foundry offers 5e items for free with digital or printable cards that can be shared with DnD players.

What are DnD magic items and why use them?

In the game of DnD, magic items are enchanted objects or artifacts imbued with mystical properties that provide various benefits and abilities to characters within the game. These items range from weapons and armor to trinkets and potions, each possessing unique powers and enhancing the gameplay experience. 

Players use magic items to enhance their characters' abilities, overcome challenges, and add depth to the storytelling aspect of the game. Magic items not only serve as powerful tools for characters but also contribute to the sense of wonder, discovery, and adventure that is central to the DnD experience, making the game more engaging and dynamic.

How many magic items should characters get per level in DnD?

There are no fixed rules dictating the exact number of magic items characters should receive per level. The distribution of magic items often depends on the Dungeon Master's (DM) discretion and the campaign's narrative. 

Typically, characters may acquire a few magic items throughout their journey, with the rarity and power of these items increasing as they progress in levels, but it ultimately varies based on the DM's storytelling style and the campaign's balance.

What should DnD magic items cost in game?

The cost of magic items can vary widely but it’s important to note that they are usually not bought and sold like regular commodities. Rather, they’re earned through adventuring or as part of the storyline. 

If you need a framework to base your prices on, we suggest following the guidelines described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide which assigns a range of values based on rarity.

  • Common items: 50-100 gold pieces (gp)
  • Uncommon items: 101-500 gp
  • Rare items: 501-5,000 gp
  • Very rare items: 5,001-50,000 gp
  • Legendary items: 50,001+ gp


Are these really free?

Yes! We hope you'll enjoy this free downloadable content written by Rune Foundry.

We would appreciate you taking a look around the rest of Rune Foundry to see if one of our high-quality dice sets or other products might be worthy of your dollars.

How will I receive the content?

Add the content of your choice to your shopping cart. After checking out, you may download immediately from the order confirmation page.

You will also be sent an email to the address you provide with a download link.

Can a new Dungeon Master use this content?

All Rune Foundry content is intended to be simple enough for new DMs, yet interesting and useful for experienced DMs as well.

Feel free to reach out to with any questions!

Is this official D&D content?

No. While this content is compatible with D&D 5e, Rune Foundry has no affiliation with Dungeons & Dragons or Wizards of the Coast. Everything is published under the rights of the Open Game License.